Our Thoughts

Take a dive into 'Our Thoughts' – This is our little space to casually chat about what intrigues us, blending Pierian's curiosity with real-world, data-driven insights. It’s our corner for sharing ideas that we hope can spark growth and understanding. Feel free to join the conversation.

At Pierian, we've been working with Global Advertisers and Ad-Tech start-ups on the ‘cookieless future’ for some time. In fact, we began working on cookieless targeting trials with first-party identifiers with a much loved pan-European brand way back in 2015. Nearly a decade later it’s inexplicable we are still grappling with third-party cookies. In the second of our two part blog for CMO’s and data-driven marketers we delve deeper into the subject - focussing on Universal Identifiers.
In 2023, Generative AI took center stage with advancements like ChatGPT 3.5, Google's Bard, and tools like Adobe Firefly and Midjourney, revolutionizing various industries. From text to image and video, Generative AI's ability to understand prompts and generate content marked a significant shift, promising practical, scalable, and cost-efficient solutions for businesses, as demonstrated by Pierian's expertise in guiding organizations to leverage this transformative technology effectively.
SGE, Google's AI-driven Search Generative Experience, condenses search results into brief summaries, offering users quick insights into complex topics. With a growing presence in Google searches, it may significantly impact businesses' online visibility and competitiveness based on keyword relevance and sector-specific trends.
Decoding AdTech ‘Unicorns’: As we blast into 2024 we took a leisurely, unbiased and somewhat superficial (sic) look at small yet well formed AdTech start-ups. The lucky candidates happen to be CheQ, Klaviyo, MNTN, Moloco, and Swiftly. In the post our author explores the the industry’s very dynamic history and evolving landscape where despite economic uncertainties these forward-thinking outfits are driving innovation and problem-solving.
We are on a journey to discover how the Large Language Models (LLMs) powering generative AI for text, images and videos are already transforming the world of marketing, offering new possibilities and redefining brand, performance, media, commerce, and consumer strategies. This is the first in a series of Pierian blogs on how we see generative AI in action in the world of marketing, media, and brand.
The world of marketing is constantly evolving, and the emergence of first party data-driven marketing has brought about a paradigm shift in the way brands communicate with their customers. For Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) with negligible direct-to-consumer marketing this has meant revisiting how they speak to consumers to bring in the power of 1st party data. In this article, we will explore the different engagement-led data collection strategies for CPG brands, the benefits of collecting privacy-proof 1st party data, how to utilise it for effective digital marketing campaigns, and take a look at the role of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) that can help accelerate the CPG advertiser’s data maturity.
Brought to you by the Pierian Performance Marketing team
With the imminent demise of third-party cookies, advertisers are looking for new ways to reach their target audiences online. Cookieless targeting is emerging as a viable solution, providing opportunities for personalised messaging without depending on user-specific data. In this article, we'll delve into the ins and outs of cookieless advertising, discuss the potential impact on the industry, and offer strategies for success in the cookieless era.